It’s been more than an year since we have eaten beef liver. I simply forgotten about it. My children don’t eat liver, so probably that’s why a deleted it from our menu. Even when they were 7 months old, and I slowly started to introduce the meat in their meals, I couldn’t hide the liver in any kind of vegetable dish. They just found it, and refused to eat it. I know that animal liver is rich in iron, copper and preformed vitamin A, but because the liver is the body’s chemical “factory”, I didn’t push too much.
So, I buy only a piece what two adults can eat at one meal. I cut it in slices, clean it from membranes, wash it in cold water and let it drain. I chop 3 spring onions and 5-6 cloves of garlic. In a pan I put oil, add the vegetables and when hot I add the liver. And simply cook it. It depends on you for how long you will cook it. Some like it rare, some like it well done. I’m on the well done side. Never season it with salt while cooking, it dries the liver. Serve it immediately, and season it with black pepper and salt. I served it today with mashed potatoes and home made pickled beetroot.
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