For many years I couldn’t make galuska (dumplings). They were always so hard that I could break a easily a window with them. For a while I gave up, didn’t even try to make anymore, but because it’s one of my husbands favorite I decided that I will win the battle against them. Since they are perfect. Ok, 90% of times.
Ingredients: 1 whole egg, a small spoonful of soda bicarbonate, a pinch of salt, semolina, 2 drops of oil.
I beat the egg, add salt, oil, soda bicarbonate, and then slowly, the semolina, with a fork. The mixture has to be not too hard and not too soft.
I cook them separately at all times, I tear off balls from the mixture with a spoon, and add to the boiling water. Cover it. Once in a while I add cold water, then cover it again. They will become huge, and fluffy, soft. I serve them in soups.
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