Chicken on salty bed

This recipe is really simple. You prepare it in no time and it’s festive too. And can save you for the next day cooking.  From the over left meat in the next day you make fajitas.
Ingredients:a whole chicken, size depends on how many people will serve it. 1 kg of salt. I wash, clean the chicken and simply lay it on the top of the salt bed which I have prepared beforehand.
                                                      I just grease the breast with a bit of oil.
You don’t need to season it. It will take exactly that amount of salt what it needs. Unless you want to use some other spices, but definitely not salty ones. I put it in the preheated oven, 220 degrees. It is ready in 1 ½ – 2 hours. I served it with potato salad and cucumber salad.
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